The game changer


For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. Ephesians 6:15

Does it seem strange that an important piece of the armor of God we are called to put on so we will be ready for battle against the unseen forces and rulers of this dark world would be the shoes of the gospel (or good news) of peace?  We’re wearing shoes of peace to go to war? It should be pretty clear by now that God’s strategies are often at odds with what we might naturally think of.

First, let’s talk about our shoes.

As a fighter in battle, what you have on your feet is extremely important. You can be wearing the best of fighting equipment, but if your shoes are flimsy or slippery, even if you’re just standing your ground (which seems to be the main thing we are asked to do here in Ephesians 6), you will go down. Your shoes are your foundation, they must be able to keep you planted firmly on the ground in any terrain. Flimsy or slippery shoes would be a waste of all your other armor. You can’t do much fighting if you’re flat on your back.

But peace in the middle of war?

Have you ever witnessed the affect of forgiveness one someone who has been holding a grudge? Have you ever noticed what happens when you return good for evil? What happens when you don’t take revenge on your enemy? What happens when someone dressed for battle is actually seeking peace? It’s a game changer.

“But if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him drink; for in so doing, you will heap burning coals on his head (Romans 12:20).

Isn’t most war about retaliation? Certainly the wars being fought right now in the world are primarily based on retaliation. What happens if you don’t retaliate? Better yet, you return good for evil? You gum up the works. Actually it’s the only way to stop the hostility.

Most of the global wars going on right now are beyond our reach, but we can be challenged with conflicts between the supporters of these larger wars as many university students around this country are clashing over the current conflict far away in the Middle East. And then there are the political conflicts, social, and ethnic and racial conflicts that we can be caught up in when we are in the world. These can take place at work, school, community, even church. This is when we administer the gospel of peace. The gospel of peace will change the whole picture. Blessed are the peacemakers. In these times, we need His peace more than ever, and it is available as long as we keep our eyes on Him.

Jesus has called us to be peacemakers, so all this armor that we have, we don’t use on each other, we use this armor to protect us from the unseen spiritual battles being fought all around us while we love each other, return good for evil, and let people know about the gospel of Jesus Christ — the gospel of peace, and what it can do for them. The gospel is a game changer; it changes everything.

Walking in peace is about having Christ’s presence in control, and the reassurance and security that comes from knowing and trusting the Prince of Peace.

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1 Response to The game changer

  1. Toni Petrella says:

    I remember some Christmas Carols which spoke about the Prince of Peace. So true we must always remember that about Jesus and try to do our best in life the lessons he taught us so long ago. He came for peace and always preached about exchanging evil for good which is always a surprise to many folks but a great one since some people don’t expect kindness to them after the evil that they have done to their fellow man. I cannot imagine one day without God thru his Son Jesus and especially now more than ever before with so much turmoil in the world and we know about it more because of technology. I know Jesus is a great sanctuary in our complicated lives at times and always keep him close. Take care, God Bless, and have a great day.

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