The “Thank you” bird


The mockingbirds are back. They are amazing. The average mockingbird has around 200 different songs. Most of them they have picked up from different birds (thus their name). Some of their sounds mimic even non-bird sounds. One bird in our neighborhood must have been around someone who is very thankful because he has a part of his song that is a dead-ringer for, “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” It’s an incredible natural reminder to live a grateful life.

Gratitude is a powerful attitude. You can’t be angry if you’re being grateful. You can’t be depressed if you’re being grateful. You can’t be afraid if you’re being grateful. Gratefulness cancels out all negative attitudes. “In everything give thanks,” Paul wrote, “for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18) That is a pretty sweeping statement. “In all circumstances give thanks” says another translation.

This is a very simple transaction. There are no qualifiers — no exceptions. Giving thanks in everything doesn’t leave room for blame, shame, guilt, regret, retribution, and a host of other things I can’t even think of right now. In fact, why don’t you write me and let me know what negative attitude or action giving thanks prevented for you and how it changed your perspective.

I am well-steeped in in an attitude of scarcity — walking around with a mindset that there is never enough. Now you simply can’t do that and be thankful at the same time. It just doesn’t match up to the knowledge that the riches and resources of God are at our disposal by faith.

So redirect your thoughts. Listen for the “Thank you” bird. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” And even if you don’t feel it … mock it. That’s what the “Thank you” bird does!

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1 Response to The “Thank you” bird

  1. Toni Petrella says:

    Thanks for this message about the Mocking Birds and gratefulness. I needed to read this very much. We have birds here in Nevada like pigeons and the no name birds that come out this time of year. They are Mother Nature and God has a purpose for them being here even though they do business at places you don’t want. God has a purpose for all of us that are here created in his image. Well, it finally looked like all was done with the plumbing in the bathroom and could put down a new tile floor but, the old saying not so fast. Yesterday while I was getting ready to shower I flushed the toilet and it wouldn’t go down then I used a plunger and well water came out from behind the wall so plumbers came again and fixed the pipe behind the drywall that was just put in last Thursday and so a hole behind the toilet. No problem for two days when all done until yesterday. Its working but, the pipe behind the toilet needs to be replaced and more expense with this. We will find out more today from one of the managers at Goettl. I needed my Bible more than ever today and this message is a huge help. Old saying but, true don’t count it done until it is really done even though it seemed done. Take care, God Bless, and have a blessed day in God thru his Son Jesus and think of the birds.

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