The real conspiracy


Everyone seems to think there are dark, sinister forces behind the bad things that are going on in the world. Well there are, they just aren’t what most people speculate. This is where conspiracy theories come from — speculation about what is behind the evil in the world.

Well as followers of Christ and students of the Bible, we don’t need any conspiracy theories to tell us this. We already have one, and it’s not a theory; it’s the truth, because it’s found in God’s word where it’s been for 2,000 years. “Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:11-12).

There you have our conspiracies:

      “evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world,”

      “mighty powers in this dark world,” and

      “evil spirits in the heavenly places.”

That’s a pretty ominous list, and there is no need for anyone to add to this group or name certain individuals. These are not theories or speculations; this is the truth. These are our declared enemies. This is what we are up against as long as we are in this world. And because we are way out of our league here against these enemies, we are not told to fight them, but to stand firm in the protective armor God has given us — armor that prepares us to endure being in the midst of the spiritual warfare all around us.

That armor is explained as the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace, and we are to hold up the shield of faith, put on the helmet of salvation, and take up the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God (Ephesians 6:14-17). That is our protection against the real conspiracies of the devil, and this armor and these weapons are already in our possession. They are standard issue to all believers. We’re going to talk about our battle gear next week. You need to know your equipment.

Therefore, we mustn’t get caught up in the alleged conspiracy theories of the day. They only create fear and apprehension and they get our minds off our real enemies and what we should be doing about them. We aren’t served by theories anyway. We already know who our enemies are, and we know what to do about them, so as to not be afraid.

And because of this, fear has no place in the life of a believer. Peter tells us that instead of fear in our hearts, we are to put Christ at the center of our hearts. You can’t have fear and Christ occupying the same place in your life. It’s either one or the other. With Christ in your heart and your spiritual armor on, there is no reason anyone should be afraid.

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1 Response to The real conspiracy

  1. Toni Petrella says:

    So true in this message about wearing the armour of our Lord and Savior. Always have strong faith and don’t believe alleged theories of conspiracy. John I thank you for your great messages like this one and yesterday because it helps me to understand more about God and the various stories in the Bible. So true about the Baptist and I thank you for helping clear some of that up. The Baptist was courageous to call Herod on a huge mistake like that. I am still taking my mental health medicine seeing mt doctor and counselor. I will have a new counselor and I know she will be great and she is in the same place. I thank the Catch for its support. Plumbers still working on our bathroom as water coming out from the wall behind the toilet this last Monday showed that pipe needed to be replaced. Still using the outhouse which I call it and more of the bathroom floor being dug into. Hopefully soon. Yesterday moved all the bathroom stuff into the kitchen for dual purpose again in the sink. Glad we have that. I hope you all are well and cool, we are doing alright despite the heat and situations. Using tin foil to cover windows inside that face the sun. Again I thank you for your help and support. Take care, God Bless, and have a great weekend.

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